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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cenobites: The Strong Kind

At the outset of the Rule, Benedict sets forth who is audience is intended to be.  In Chapter 1, he lists the four types of persons that can be found in groups. 

One of the types that Benedict describes are the sarabaites.  These are folks who try to form community but limit themselves to those who are like-minded and will not challenge their current system. 

According to Benedict, they are not tested as gold is tried in a furnace.  I don't know much about working with gold but I do understand the science behind heating a metal to clear it of impurities and the value of  having an ore that is pure and singular.  In Benedict's plan, the monastic is to be like that gold that has been purified through fire/testing/struggle.  It is in relationships with others around us that we learn about ourselves and about God's compassion.  It is in coming back day after day and being with one another (in good times and difficult times) that we learn the lessons of humility, compassion and honesty that we need for our life today.

May I daily become more and more like that gold which has been tested in life.

Sr. Catherine

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