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Friday, November 11, 2011

Needs vs Wants

It is written: Distribution was made to each one as he had need (Acts 4:35). RB80.34.1

I seem to be a thing magnet at times. Even though I try very hard to limit what I have, use or acquire, things seem to pile up little by little around me. This is especially true of paper, books, and gadgets. As much as possible, I try to limit the amount of stuff that tends to accumulate around me but it often seems to be a losing battle from the very beginning.

Paper, books and some tech gadgets (cell phone and laptop) are a natural part of my various ministry commitments. After all, how can I cook without a printed recipe, shop for supplies without a written list, or produce financial reports without multiple spreadsheets and graphs?
There is a point beyond which I can be either hanging on to unnecessary paper or hiding behind an overwhelming pile of stuff just to look busy or important.

Benedict invites me today to work on simplifying rather than increasing the amount of clutter and stuff around me. No amount of things is ever going to fulfill all of my needs and make me feel complete. I need to step back and listen to God's voice within me that calls me to rely on God's grace rather than depend on things for my security and value. In heeding God's invitation to simplify my life, I am making myself open to God's will in my life.

How am I listening to God's voice today?

Sr. Catherine, OSB

1 comment:

  1. I tend to accumulate papers and books around me as well. Finally, to solve it, I have several boxes in which I sort papers that I may need later, but are not essential at the moment. That leaves the few things that I am actually using at the moment. I also found that making a filing system, and actually filing the more important papers in folders instead of stacking them on the desk, helps as well.
