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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

On Lenten Observance

Today is Ash Wednesday.  We begin our annual pilgrimage toward Easter; which although only 40 days away might feel more like a life-time's distance.

I am not a person who is a fan of penance, suffering, discipline or self-denial.  I prefer a more relaxed, let things be type of life--I know this kind of thinking can lead to life being a bit superficial but it doesn't have to be. 

Late yesterday evening, after our Mardi Gras Party, I was considering various practices I might adopt this Lent.  As I re-read Chapter 49 in the Rule of St. Benedict, I was struck by the first verse referring to our life being shaped with a lenten quality all year long.  I began wondering if maybe there was a subtle message behind that verse; maybe an invitation to consider Lent in a new way this year.  I followed up on some of the references connected with this verse and found a connection to a catechetical sermon by St. Leo I.  In this teaching, St. Leo was encouraging all christians to adopt increase their self-discipline in the areas of food and drink so that they would be prepared for the adversity in more important matters. 

So what does this have to do with my Lent in 2013?

I reflected back on this past year.  It has been a year filled with tons of growth and new insights.  So maybe this year's invitation is to continue the growth that has begun and transfer some of the skills that I learned into other areas of my life.

May God's grace bless your Lenten observance this year.

Sr. Catherine, OSB

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