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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Speaking Gently

In Chapter 7 of the Rule of St. Benedict, restraint of speech is mentioned four times. Why would speech be an important aspect in the process of humility?

I am a talker. There are not many times when I am found with little to say. Actually, speaking is probably one of the things that gets me in trouble the most in life.

In trying to determine where the connection between speech and humility lies, I am reminded of a comment that was often shared with me about speech when I was younger. Others often commented that when I command the stage by sharing my thoughts about everything it gives little opportunity for me to learn from the experience of others. In a sense, if I am constantly speaking but never really listening, I am both depriving myself of hearing a new perspective and cheating the other person of a chance to share part of their wisdom. I need to remember that I am not expected to have the answer to all of life's issues and questions.

I pray today for the grace needed to be a good listener in life.

Sr. Catherine, OSB

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