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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Do Unto Others

Do to no one what you yourself dislike. New American Bible(NAB), Tobit 4.15a

This brief reference to the Tobit's advice to his son, Tobiah, is part of the foundation to today's reading from the Rule of Benedict. Today's passage is considering the fact that some who might visit the monastery from other monasteries might possibly request to remain as a member rather than as a guest. Benedict seems to understand that there are reasons where this might be appropriate but he does caution that care should be taken that the person to be received has the permission of their superior. He quotes this passage from Tobit which is very similar to the Golden Rule that many learned in childhood.

This is good advice for monastic life and also applicable in various other life situations. When on a team, good sportsmanship, even in the face of loss or unfair calls, is valued. In the business world, taking your competitor's prized employee is not always the best business move. Being so competitive that I have to be the lead in every performance--always being center stage is not necessarily a skill that will win me many friends.

I need to remember the needs of others. I need to continue practicing the lessons that I learned about sharing and being a team member when I was growing up. As our new academic years begin and as we prepare for the coming of autumn, I need to use some of those skills I learned as a child to navigate this world.

Sr. Catherine, OSB

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