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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Material Goods

I like new things. I like the feel of a new pen, the smell of new books, the excitement of opening a new piece of technology. The "new" just seems to evoke different emotions in me.

Chapter 32 of the Rule deals with the goods of the monastery. Although I do not own anything as an individual, the monastery as an entity does possess property, vehicles, buildings and other things.

In reading Chapter 32, Benedict invites me to deal with material possessions that show care and reverence. Reverence not so much for the item but to signify my awareness that all, even my body is on loan to me. Just as I would be careful with something which I borrowed and would try to return it in good also with all possessions. I am to remember that I have these things for a time and will be called on to return them at the end in good shape.

This attitude can be a challenge for me at times because I tend to lose interest in what is not new and shiny anymore. I tend to be easily distracted. I need to remember that all is gift from God for the good of others.

Sr. Catherine, OSB

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