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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Doing God's Will

…he shall imitate by his actions that saying of the Lord: I have not come to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me (John 6.38). (RB 7.32)

When I was growing up our neighbors on the farm, the Wagners, were Methodists. Mrs. Wagner often sang these words of an old hymn. “And He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own. And the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known.” I can still see her working with her flowers and singing this hymn. She was truly a holy woman and lived the words she sang. She raised six sons and a granddaughter and did the will of the God who made her.

This is what I think doing the will of God is. We walk with Him by imitating his actions. We talk with Him in unceasing prayer. We share our lives with Him, our joyful times and our sorrowful times.
Sr. Veronica, OSB

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