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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

True Obedience

This very obedience, however, will be acceptable to God and agreeable to men only if compliance with what is commanded is not cringing or sluggish or half-hearted, but free from any grumbling or any reaction of unwillingness. (RB 5.1)

Obedience needs to be total. I cannot fake my obedience. I am invited to not be a person who seems to follow the requirements of law while quietly sabotaging the spirit of the law, the group, or authority.

For me, I need to make sure that I don’t roll my eyes or give a dramatic sigh every time I am asked to do something that I would rather not do. I need to watch my comments to my co-workers or community members when I think that something is unfair or silly or makes no sense to me. I need to be as invested and as committed to these projects as to those that I choose to complete or that I initiate. Not only does this new attitude help make the task go quicker, I might actually end up enjoying the task after all and everyone will be much happier.
Sr. Catherine, OSB

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