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Monday, March 15, 2010

We Are Pro-Life

Sr. Mary Louis spent a few years in our health center. She was unable to walk and at times her mind was a bit confused, but she always kept her wry sense of humor. On one occasion as were praying Morning Prayer it seems everything was going wrong. The organist played the wrong hymn, so we sang the wrong hymn, the choir intoned the wrong psalm, so we prayed the wrong psalm. Finally, Sr. Mary Louis could contain herself no longer, so she blurted out, “I think we should just close our books and go to breakfast, we don’t seem to know what we are doing here.” After the laughter died down, we did just that.

Sr. Mary Louis and other sisters in our health center are the reasons we are pro-life from the time of beginning of life at conception to the time of ending of life at death. Benedict ranked care of the sick above and before all else, so in our Benedictine monastery it is the same. Not only do the sick give us the opportunity to carry out Jesus’s words, “I was sick and you visited me,” and, “What you did for one of these least of my people you did for me,” but they also give us an opportunity to enjoy and rejoice in their wisdom.

Sr. Veronica, OSB

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