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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hiding the Flaws

…Make known your way to the Lord and hope in him (Ps 36[37].5). (RB 7.45)

Have you ever tried to hide a mistake, a failure or a personal flaw from someone? I have.

I found that the more I tried to hide or ignore the flaw the more glaring it became. It could have been a tiny hole in the knee of my new jeans (which grew bigger the more I tried to patch it), a favorite lamp that got broken (and I tried to glue back together…with a few pieces missing), or the new pasta dish I made and tried to cover the mistakes with gallons of tomato sauce and cheese. In the end, it would be much simpler to acknowledge the problem and deal with it.

The fifth step of humility invites me to recognize that there are still areas that I need to work on and to remember that God and others will still be by me as I continue to grow. All I need is honesty and hope. Hope in God’s mercy and forgiveness. Trust that others will be there for me when I ask them to even if I am not fully perfect yet.

Sr. Catherine, OSB

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