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Monday, June 20, 2011

An Attitude of Praise

The Prophet says: Seven times a day have I praised you (Ps 118[119]:164). RB80.16.1

Verse 1 of this chapter invites us to praise God seven times daily. If taken literally that would mean praying every three hours or so throughout the day. This invitation to prayer can also be seen as Benedict's reminder that the life of the faithful person needs to be rooted in a relationship with God. It is that constant connection which provides the graces and strength needed to face whatever the day might bring.

The early Christian community was familiar with this concept and developed ways to maintain that centeredness on God throughout the day. From this came the invocation of the name of Jesus which reminds us both of the power of the Name of God and keeps us connected in prayer in a very simple yet effective way.

I know that if I can start my day remembering God and my many blessings and continue to call on him during the empty spaces in my day, I am much more focused, present, and aware of the world around me. I find myself being more closely connected with life and more awake to the subtleties that I often miss. This awareness and connection is what I desire daily for myself.

How can I be more aware of God's presence in my life today?

Sr. Catherine, OSB

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