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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Being Blown by the Wind

...A talkative man goes about aimlessly on earth (Ps 139[140].12). RB80.7.58

I love to chatter...I could call it talking but truthfully it is mostly chattering; just something to do to keep myself entertained.

There are some benefits to this skill. For example, I am a great storyteller, which comes in handy when entertaining a group. I also feel comfortable speaking extemporaneously--I think quite well on my feet and can keep things going without too many awkward pauses. I come by this skill naturally and grew up in a home which was rarely without some sort of banter or communication.

There are instances where this skill can be a hindrance rather than an asset.

  • One aspect of life which can be difficult is that sometimes I am not taken very seriously. I can spend so much time focused on just "talking" that at times I can come off looking pretty shallow and superficial.

  • I have had to work a little harder than most to develop an authentic appreciation for silence, quiet and stillness. I have always longed for silence and been intrigued by it have had to consciously learn how to still myself enough to just be.

  • As I mature, I have also come to realize that silence and stillness are essential for my own spiritual growth. This stillness helps me to focus and to strengthen my relationships with God and with others.

I long for a time when I will not feel so much feel as a leaf being blown by a restless wind but more like a rooted plant that is able to sway with the gentle breeze of God's love.

Sr. Catherine, OSB

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