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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Discord Among Leaders

...while abbot and prior pursue conflicting policies, their own souls are inevitably endangered by this discord; and at the same time the monks under them take sides and so go to their ruin. RB80.65.8-9

If one parent says "No" to a request, it is always a good idea to try the other parent...they may say "Yes", especially if they don't know that the request has already been denied. This theory for navigating permissions in a family is a practice familiar to many. It was often attempted in our house, unfortunately it often failed.

This dynamic is what Benedict is seeking to avoid in today's passage from the Rule. In a group, it sets up the possibility that rather than following normal avenues for receiving permissions the members will go to the leader who seems to be most favorable to the request or most likely to be swayed easily.

There is a divisive element to this practice. While the leaders are trying to sort out the problem, small factions can also be formed with those who favor one leader arguing against those who follow another.

How am I helping to unite community rather than divide it?

Sr. Catherine, OSB

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sr. Catherine,
    Beautiful post. I'm a Benedictine oblate in to the blogosphere and hoping by the grace of God to do the very thing you say..Help rather than divide.
    The Benedictine spirit is so needed in the world today.
    Blessings and

