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Monday, January 24, 2011

Refraining From Good Words

Today, St. Benedict talks to us about silence and restraint of speech. In verse 1 of this chapter, Benedict asserts that there are times when even good words are to be foregone for the sake of silence. That sounds a little confusing to me...especially since I tend to be a person who loves to talk as much as possible. Why would I willingly refrain from speaking good words?

It's easy enough to understand the damage that can be done with false words, hurtful comments, and the truth that is used as a weapon against another rather than as a helpful tool...but not to say good words???

Maybe part of the key to this passage lies in understanding my attitude towards words. I often use words to avoid looking at hard issues within myself or listening to God speaking in the silence of my my prayer. It is much easier to distract myself with chatter and with trying to solve my own problems or help you solve yours than to sit still and listen to God's presence in my life. I need to remember that part of life's goal for me is not to have all the answers but to be at witness to God's presence in my life. I need to cultivate silence for that.

If I desire to be a person of depth and wisdom, I need to become familiar with silence and comfortable with it.

What am I doing to cultivate silence in my life today?

Sr. Catherine, OSB

Please pray for the 55&Under All Federation Benedictine Sisters Gathering this weekend in Atchison, KS. Almost 100 professed Benedictine women from around the country will be gathering for prayer, friendship and education.

1 comment:

  1. As difficult as it is, sometimes silence is really the best thing. I haven't mastered it but I learned in a spiritual direction group about leaving room for silence. Sometimes others don't need our words, they just need time to feel like they were allowed to speak without being rushed and that their words were heard. That isn't me, usually, so it's a challenge for me to remember they just need to talk it out without me butting in between them and God.

