Thursday, March 31, 2011
Mid-Lent Check Up
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Ora et Labora/Prayer and Work
Monday, March 28, 2011
A Need for Structure
Friday, March 25, 2011
My Carelessness
If I am not awake and present to the task at hand, it is often easy for me to be distracted and careless in the way I carry out my tasks. I can often convince myself that being not fully present and attentive is not really hurting anyone (well maybe myself but not in a significant way). After all if my mind is quick enough to multitask, what is wrong with using that 90 second pause between the reading and the response at community prayers to plan tonight's menu for dinner, rehearse the difficult phone call I need to make or mental pack for my next trip? Isn't that just a way of being more efficient and effective with my time?
What I have found out for myself is that I spend a lot of time trying to catch up when I try to mentally "multitask" when it comes to prayers, relationships and conversations with others. I am much for likely to be less engaged, careless and often miss vital information when I am overly distracted internally. For me, it is a subtle way of asserting that my needs and my concerns at this time are more important that those of the group, of the other person or of God. In a sense, I have better things to do and right now my body is just fulfilling a duty.
Is that what I am really trying to convey to others? Is that really helping me and others be the best they can be? How am I showing my respect for others today?
Sr. Catherine, OSB
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Satisfaction for Faults
This reparation may be similar to the act of bringing things back into order or to a state of completeness. When a fault is committed or there is a disturbance the harmony and balance of things is thrown off. It is through the act of penance and humble admission of wrong doing that everything can be restored to its original harmony. Everything can return to a state similar to the original. That is the main point of Chapter 44--setting everything back in place.
What am I doing to maintain the balance in community?
Sr. Catherine, OSB
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Tardiness in Community
From the beginning of the chapter, Benedict emphasizes the importance of being on time to two of the major community events every day--prayers and meals. In any group, there is an amount of order and structure that needs to be in place just so there can be smooth functioning.
Benedict recommends that those who are late for either prayers or meals be required to amend for their fault before being allowed to be part of the general group again. Benedict does not seem overly anxious to exclude others randomly or at will. He makes a provision for the beginning verses of the common prayer to be very slow and deliberate giving everyone ample opportunity to be on time.
It seems as though Benedict is not so much addressing the lateness as the attitude in the person that would allow them to take lightly causing distraction or inconvenience to the whole. It is more about the internal motivations than the actual actions.
How do my motivations and attitudes affect the structure of our community life (whether it be in an office, a classroom, a team or a family)?
Sr. Catherine, OSB
Friday, March 18, 2011
Providing Choices
I can really appreciate this thinking in a very practical way in my life. Growing up I was an extremely picky eater. The list of non-edible foods was much longer than the list of acceptable ones. I never went hungry for long so I must have found some things that I liked. As I grew and began having more of a social life, my parents helped me to realize that while pickiness might be mildly accepted at home it was totally unacceptable in other's homes and in public. I could choose to widen my eating experience and have plenty of opportunities to grow or I could remain how I was and have many less options. It did not take me long to acquire a taste so some things that I would never have thought I could stomach.
The same applies for me in many other instances. How can I offer others choices so that they may grow to their potential?
Sr. Catherine, OSB
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Benefitting the Community
Not everyone who is literate or who can carry a tune is designated to be a lector or cantor in community.
In a religious community, readers and singers are essential at prayer times, at meal times and other times throughout the day. Benedict warns though that those chosen to read, sing or lead prayers need to show skill in fulfilling their role rather than let it be an honorary role. There needs to be adequate training and preparation before fulfilling these important tasks--not just the person who happens to stumble in and pick up the book.
This precept holds true even when I am a participant in prayers, rather than taking on a special role. I need to be prepared (with my books marked) and fully present during our prayer times. I need to be aware of those around me and be sensitive to their needs so that I do not disrupt others through excessive movement, random whispers or other minor distractions.
What am I doing today to be fully present to community today in our common prayer?
Sr. Catherine, OSB
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
The More Vulnerable
Chapters 36 and 37 of the Rule of Benedict deal with the sick (chapter 36) and the elderly and the young (chapter 37). These two chapters deal with those who are especially vulnerable and defenceless and can easily be forgotten. Benedict requires that special care be given to those who have special needs but might not be able to advocate for themselves. He relates our treatment of those with special concerns with the Gospel scene from Matthew 25.34-40.
What are some practical ways through which I can be compassionate and aware of the needs of all in the group--whether family, team, office or community?
- Remembering to treat all as individuals. Taking the time to be aware of the special issues which might be troublesome and relevant for each person. What are the stumbling blocks to avoid?
- Use the same compassion towards others that I would like to receive myself. Taking the Golden Rule a step further.
- Not set my expectations or standards unreasonably high. I usually have more issues when I set my personal expectations at a level higher than humanly possible (either for myself or others).
- Take time to slow down before reacting. Problems arise when I expect everyone to have the some values or beliefs that I have.
God calls me daily to be open and compassionate towards those I encounter daily because it is through relationships that I grow in holiness and self-awareness.
Sr. Catherine, OSB
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Being a Good Patient
I am fortunate to have been blessed with very good health. My health is a blessing to me and also to those who live with me because I am not sure how good a patient I would be if I was ever really ill.
First, I am not a fan of pain in any form. As soon as I feel a headache, a toothache or itch coming on, I know that whining and complaining is probably not far behind. I can stand pain or discomfort about 30 seconds, then it's time to look for a way out.
Second, patience is not a hallmark of my personality. I am definitely a person who wants everything right now--as soon as I think of it. Unfortunately, relief from pain is usually not quite so automatic. I can not will my pain away, although I might be tempted to try.
Third, I am not one to suffer quietly, if something is wrong, I really believe that everyone around needs to know about it and share my misery.
That being said, how does today's reading about Care for the Sick help me to grow in this aspect of my life?
Benedict reminds the one who is ill that the care and respect offered are out of love of Christ. The person in need is to be humble in all their needs not demanding and overbearing. The sick are to remember that for that particular instance they are taking the place of the weak Christ in the community.
When I can recall these things, I am less likely to be demanding, impatient, and disagreeable and to be humble in my requests.
Sr. Catherine, OSB
Friday, March 11, 2011
Free Disposal of Body and Will
I am reminded once again that life on earth is transitory and that all those things which I am tempted to consider my own and essential to my life are only temporary loans. That is hard for me to accept, especially since I grew up in a family that taught me that I could be the master of my own destiny and that control was ultimate power.
So, what can I do with this new reality? I can I live peacefully knowing that I am basically dependent on God and others for my daily life?
- I can practice trust everyday. Trust in God and trust in those whom God has placed over me on this journey. I do not need to know everything or be in full control all the time.
- I can write down my fears and anxieties and present them to God daily (or hourly, if necessary).
- I can take time at the beginning and the end of the day to just "be". It can be as little as five minutes to just sit and do nothing but be.
These are just some of the ways in which I can practice my trust and my awareness of my dependence on God and God's mercy today.
Sr. Catherine, OSB
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Care of the Goods
Benedict wants to assure that the material possessions of the community are in good care. Benedict, once again, states that the character of the monastic should be taken into account in the distribution of tools and goods. The character and behavior of the person has been important in the assignment of responsibilities and authority, in relationships within the monastery, and now with how the monastery goods are handled. What is it about these three things that would have them take on such importance? After all, aren't the goods just things???
I think that Benedict might be reminding the person that all is gift from God--our possessions, our relationships, and all of creation. These are all loans to us from God and need to be handled wisely with humility and care.
How can I increase my awareness of this amazing gift from God? I desire to grow daily in this aspect during Lent.
Sr. Catherine, OSB
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Proper Timing
Timing is everything. The timing of a legitimate request and the filling of the request can make a person's day more stressful, more anxiety producing or more calm and peaceful. If I am not sure exactly when my need will be filled after I have politely asked, I can become more worried or hypervigilant. That is unnecessary stress for everyone involved--for me, for the person filling the request and for those around me.
As the person filling the request of another, Benedict continually reminds me that I should not use whatever power I may have at the time to stress others out, to see how much they can beg before I fulfill their request. That would not be in the realm of proper use of authority in any group, it would be more like tyranny. Benedict reminds the person designated to fill the material needs of the community to be humble and gentle in filling needs even when the answer must be "No" to someone.
How do I respond when others ask me for something?
Sr. Catherine, OSB
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Like a Parent to the Whole Community
He is believed to hole the place of Christ in the monastery, since he is addressed by a title of Christ, as the Apostle indicates: You have received the spirit of adoption of sons by which we exclaim, abba, father (Rom 8.15). RB80.2.2-3
Benedict stipulates that both the superior and the cellarer (the person in charge of stocking the storeroom) are to act as a parent to the community. This is not to suggest that the leader and the house manager are to treat the rest as small children or infants but rather to assert that those who are given a place of leadership should be concerned for the welfare of the group and the individuals as a parent would. They are to remember that they are called to "servant leadership".
Whenever I am given a place of authority, I need to keep in mind that I am asked to be a leader not a tyrant or a dictator. I am to take Christ as my model for leadership. He was a leader who literally laid down his life for his followers. Am I willing to do the same even in a small degree?
Sr. Catherine, OSB