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Monday, October 4, 2010

On Being Content

The sixth step of humility is that a monk is content with the lowest and most menial treatment, and regards himself as a poor and worthless workman in whatever task he is given... RB80.7.49

Although chapter 7 in the Rule is one that has always held my interest (mostly because it gives a new perspective to a somewhat unappealing virtue for which to strive), I cannot say that this particular passage is one of my favorites. Actually, I would rather read right past it most of the time.

I do not generally act graciously when offered the worst treatment available. Actually, I usually rebel and complain to anyone and everyone who will listen to me. I also have great difficulty regarding myself as a substandard participant in creation. After all, wasn't I taught growing up that I was just as good as everyone else? So what is the new insight to which Benedict is inviting me?

Maybe it is a reminder that everything is not always going to be fair or go my way. There will be bumps in the road, especially in dealing with others, and I am not always going to be on learn to deal with it as graciously as possible (don't whine). I need to remember that while I am not always on top, I am not always on the bottom either; I'm usually somewhere in the middle and that is okay. That is the reality, be okay with it.

How am I dealing with the daily realities of life today?

Sr. Catherine, OSB

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