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Friday, September 10, 2010

Characteristic of Leadership

To be worthy of the task of governing a monastery, the abbot must always remember what his title signifies and act as a superior should. RB80.2.1

Who can be considered worthy of leading a group (coaching, teaching, parenting, supervising)? In the leadership positions I have held, I quickly came to realize that while leadership can be an honor there is also a responsibility and a great burden involved.

Here are some of the thoughts that can travel through my mind when I am in a leadership role:

  • How will I respond when something goes majorly wrong (afterall, it will happen eventually)?
  • How do I adjust my style to other's needs? I know that I can tend to be really intense and somewhat overbearing at times.
  • How do I acknowledge everyones gifts appropriately?
  • Did I communicate my expectations well?
  • I need God's grace and wisdom in every situation.
Something I have learned over the years is that every project does not have to be all about ME and how good I will look at the end. Everything I do is actually for God's greater honor and glory and for the good of the whole group--not for my own pride and recognition. If I remember that it is actually a team effort that I am part of (greater than just Catherine), I can more easily give God thanks for successes and also learn to roll when things do not work out perfectly.

How am I leading others today?

Sr. Catherine, OSB

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