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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Gospel Living

The opening verses of Chapter 4 of the Rule of Benedict (The Tools of Good Works) provides me with a pretty clear blue-print of what is necessary to be a Christian. This enterprise is about taking the Scripture teachings into my life and making them part of me.

When I was completing my Masters in Theology, I mentioned in one of my Comps questions that part of living monastic life for a number of years is that eventually the psalms and scripture passages that we pray seep into our bones. Someone asked me to elaborate on this idea at the time but I could not adequately put into words the mystery of how this happens in our daily prayer. I truly do believe that over the years we do eventually become a living scripture of sorts.

I do realize though that this is a does not happen overnight or in a few years. It is a lifelong process. It is my personal goal.

May I remain open to God's word speaking within me.

Sr. Catherine, OSB

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