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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Professional Pray-ers

Chapter 9 of the Rule of St. Benedict falls in the set of directives about prayer in common. At first glance, it can be seen as a LARGE section of rules, rituals, and directives on how to organize prayer. Stuff which sometimes can make very good bedtime reading.

On another level, though, these chapters deal with the very essence of community life. If we are asked what we (Benedictine Sisters or monastics) do as a primary ministry, most of us would say that we are professional prayers. Prayer for the world is what we do best. SO it is with good reason that there should be many chapters in the Rule devoted to this essential task.

Having been a liturgist for many years, I understand the need for specific, precise order. I can appreciate the need for consistent pauses and breaks; the need for pacing and uniformity. It is in this realm that I can truly see the beauty of structure (which I usually rebel against).

Please be assured of our prayers for you and your loved ones. If you ever have a prayer request feel free to submit it on our website:

Sr. Catherine, OSB

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