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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Special Feast

Today we celebrate the feast of St. Scholastica, the twin of St. Benedict. It seems that they shared a special spiritual bond just as they shared the physical bond of twins. February 10 marks the day on which Scholastica when to heaven as a dove.

There is a story which many monastic communities remember to commemorate this feast. The story is of Benedict & Scholastica's tradition of meeting once a year between their monasteries to share about the spiritual life. This one particular time Scholastica wished her brother to remain but he insisted that he must return to his monastery. Scholastica was not satisfied with the response so she took the matter to a higher authority--GOD. She folded her hands, put down her head and prayed. About that time, a huge storm sprang up and Benedict was unable to return to the monastery.

Tradition tells us that Scholastica's response was one born of love--she loved her brother and wanted to continue the holy conversation. We all need to have that kind of faith and simplicity in our prayer.

Today, we celebrate the feast day of our Sister Scholastica!

Sr. Catherine, OSB

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