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Friday, April 16, 2010

The Golden Rule

Do unto others as you would have them to do unto you.

The Golden Rule as we know it comes into effect daily in community life, work, family, is played out anytime two or more persons interact.

  • It is seen when I remember to pass the salt to the Sister at my table who always salts her food--rather than wait to be asked.
  • The Golden Rule is displayed when I remember to hold the door open for those entering the house with me and when I tell my co-worker that I am back from lunch so he can go.
  • The Rule is used when I remember that others might be sleeping, resting, or praying by not running the vacuum cleaner or calling down the hall to a friend at 5 am on a Saturday.
There are many ways in which we can practice the Golden Rule everyday.

How are you practicing the Golden Rule today?

Sr. Catherine, OSB

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