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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Blessing at Departing

Brothers sent on a journey will ask the abbot and community to pray for them. All absent brothers should always be remembered at the closing prayer of the Work of God. RB80.67.1-2

On leaving on any kind of trip, our Sisters have the custom of asking the Prioress to pray for them before departing. On leaving our property, even for a short errand, it is also our tradition to pray a traveler's prayer asking for a safe journey.

These practices might seem strange especially since in today's world it is not uncommon to be going a variety of places just in one day. I have always found it comforting to know that I am asking God's protection everytime I leave home--this is a practice that I grew up with at home also.

These prayers help to remind me that God is with me everywhere I go (I am not alone at any point of my journey.) It also reminds me that my community and the prayers of my community follow me throughout the day--again I am not alone. I am part of something much larger than myself. This practice can also prepare me to look for Christ in the many encounters of my day, since all who cross my path are to be greeted as Christ.

I am grateful for the various ways in which I can recall my relationship to God through these prayers.

Sr. Catherine, OSB

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