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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Obeying The Rule

Chapter 62 of the Rule talks about priests in the monastery. It does not just pertain to priests or clergy, however, but to everyone who has ever been placed in a leadership role in a group--parent, teacher, coach, supervisor.

Various times in this selection, Benedict reminds me that although I might have a higher level of authority in a some cases that does not excuse me from having to follow the norm and adhere to the common practice. On the contrary, because of the extra authority and visibility I am invited to monitor my behavior more closely so that I can be an example of obedience to others.

That is not always something I strive for. There are times when I would much rather have a more anonymous role. The Gospel and the Rule both invite me to present my best self--not because I desire the praise of others but so that my actions and life might be a more accurate reflection of God's grace.

How am I reflecting God's love today?

Sr. Catherine, OSB

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