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Monday, August 30, 2010

Prefering Nothing to Christ

Let them prefer nothing whatever to Christ, and may he bring us all together to everlasting life. RB80.72.11-12

I have a bookmark that has this quote from the Rule in Spanish. It is probably my favorite bookmark....not because of its artistic beauty but because it reminds me what is most important in life. Most important in my life, and in the life of any Christian.

I must remember to put on Christ daily and to use Christ as the model of who I am today and who I am called to be (my true identity). If I follow Christ with all the passion that exists within me, Christ will bring everyone to everlasting life (our end goal).

This is not always easy. I have to remember to choose Christ daily, sometimes hourly. I need to be reminded of my initial commitment from time to time. But, ultimately, I do want to follow Christ and be brought to everlasting life.

How am I showing that Christ is my true goal today?

Sr. Catherine, OSB

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